Goal compare banks in Tatarstan in terms of the effectiveness of their presence and work in social media. Result A image vertical , which will be printed in magazines and posted on the Internet. Style naked infographics , or infographics with illustrations. Solution compare banks , drawing an analogy on the turnover of funds loans issued and deposits attracted with activity in social media. networks. It is necessary to show that when working in social media. networks, economic profit increases noticeably. Data . social rating. networks VK , Facebook and Twitter . rating for deposits www.sravni.ru/banki/rating/depozity fizicheskikh lic/kazan/ . rating for loans www.sravni.ru/banki/rating/kredity fizicheskikh lic/kazan/ Presentation option . There are economic indicators , social networks , each of which has several indicators , and about banks. The numbers are dark. . It is necessary to somehow combine economic indicators. can even just add . All social indicators. no networks needed.
You can a use the number of unblocked subscribers. b activity . Show the ratio of work in photo editing servies different social networks. networks for each bank . Banks without social data. networks can be kicked out of the rankings First sketches On the left you can compare banks by economic indicators , on the right by indicators in social networks. networks , and it is also convenient to compare different indicators of one bank. Victor The numbers are small , it s difficult to compare , but overall the picture is good. It turned out to be an upside down Christmas tree. You can place additional graphs below to saturate with information. Denis By the way , yes , we have collected a lot of numbers , why unify them all and forget about them.
There are as many numbers as there are graphs , and at the end there is a grand total. Victor There should be a main comparison and additional ones. Finalization Additional schedules lead the process to a dead end. Denis These are signs , not infographics. Maybe we ll figure out the design first and ideas will appear? Victor I like the style. But everything needs to be laid out again . The illustrations in the data zone complicate everything , we need to clean them up. . According to the schedule deposits and loans compete , but should be one. Can be divided into sections like subscribers.