Box type robot It comes to you with a material box on its back. You just have to wait for it to come, and you don’t have to walk over to pick it up. It can be applied to existing shelves in the warehouse, or three-dimensional box-type shelves can be customized according to customer needs to achieve storage management of material box shelves. Also compatible with carton storage management The container loading and unloading robot realizes the up and down transfer of the container between the storage position and the cache picking position, and then
quickly transports the container from the cache picking position to the unshelf Guangdong Mobile Phone Number List position. The container handling robot transports the container to the workstation, and then scans the product barcode. Pick the correct quantity for easy picking. Automatic tallying by robots can also be implemented during idle hours and at night in warehouse operations. Box-type robots are mainly suitable for small-piece dismantling and picking scenarios and intensive full-box storage scenarios. Forklift robot It comes to you with a tray on its back, you just have to wait for it to come, you don’t have to walk over to pick it up. It is generally used to transport pallets in bulk and can store large items such as tires. By identifying the , point-to-point

transportation and goods-to-person picking are realized. In addition to its handling capabilities, the forklift-type robot can also perform pallet loading and unloading tasks to meet customers' shelf storage needs. Forklift-type robots are mainly suitable for large-piece dismantling and picking scenarios, large-scale pallet storage and pallet delivery scenarios. Warehouse automation integration Warehouse robot manufacturers provide solutions with different capabilities.