Gyms yoga studios and healthfood cafes to cocreate content. Share and retweet the WHOs World Health Day articles. Make a list of local healthy events in your town like Ks and health fairs. Provide links to nonprofits that improve peoples health around the world. Create an infographic of midday stretches for office workers. April National Pet Day Social media posts with pets can get triple the engagement of boring nonanimal posts.
But more importantly pets are awesome and deserve the spotlight. National Pet Day is a purfect platform to give it to them. April content ideas Post asking people to share images of their pets. Get a leg up on your competition with these Email Datato tag you in pics of their pets with your products. Link to petfriendly experiences in your area. Lend your platforms to animalrelated causes. Feature adoptable pets from a local shelter. Ask people to share their pets nicknames. April Earth Day Earth Day is a hugely popular event on social media—over seven million posts are tagged with #earthday on Instagram alone. Its also a great opportunity to show your brands mission of making the world a better place. April content ideas YouTube video about Earth Day crafts. Earth Day content options are wide open. You can use just about any platform and medium to get your audience in the spirit of Earth Day.
Here are several versions to get you started Create a How to compost or How to recycle the right way video. Explain how your business makes strides toward sustainability. Round up several resources your followers can use to learn about Earth Day topics. Post a schedule of local Earth Day events. Even more April holidays to spark content ideas Were just getting started. There is a calendar full of events you can use to fuel your April content we havent touched on yet. World Autism Awareness Month National Financial Literacy Month Poetry Month April International Pillow Fight Day April National DIY Day April National Walking Day April National Burrito Day April National Self Care Day April Walk to Work Day April Library Workers Day April National Grilled Cheese