SEO experts Julian, Felix and Nora are discussing the link attributes rel="sponsored", rel="ugc" and rel="nofollow" newly introduced by Google. Among other things, the following questions are addressed: What effects do the three link attributes have on linked pages? What benefits does Google have in this? What do you enjoy as a webmaster? Here is the video (1h) Would you rather read? Here is the video as text: Neele: Good morning, we wanted to be live on YouTube, Facebook and probably also on LinkedIn.
Glad you tuned in so early, I hope you have your first coffee in hand. And maybe Special Data you have already read it, there is news on the Google Webmaster Blog. That's why we thought we'd change our group a bit today to Ask us anything, ask us anything, plus we'll discuss the new article and the new link attributes that exist. The article is called “Evolving nofollow – new ways to identify the nature of links”. We're discussing this with you now because it's really news. Maybe you can tell me what exactly is in there, what did Google announce? Julian: Yes, I always find things like that incredibly cool.

It used to happen every two years, sometimes when there were some big changes and the others thought, woah, now I have to report on it today. Funnily enough, we did this exactly today/ well the video had been planned for a few weeks, yes? And just last night at half past ten I read the news that this new post came from Google. Yes, the article is a bit about the fact that “nofollow” has existed since 2005, but the web has evolved. “nofollow” is a sign that you just bought links or links that you don't really trust, that the Google Bot shouldn't follow or that you shouldn't pass on trust and that you shouldn't pass on page rank.