They often contain, for example, information about the company's policy or the collection of cookies. However, this functionality has wide applications that we can implement thanks to automation tools. A properly programmed pop-up on our website, apart from its information function, can also contribute to increasing sales. In a pop-up window, we can present the customer with a personalized offer, an interesting promotion or remind them about abandoned carts.
It is also a great opportunity to encourage the recipient to subscribe to our newsletter. PUSH America Cell Phone Number List notifications Do you associate notifications with tempting deals or promotions that pop up on your phone? screen? These are PUSH notifications. And this is another function that we can automate. This solution brings very similar benefits to SMS campaigns. The recipient receives short, specific and personalized sales or advertising messages. We can provide a product offer or information that we want the customer to know about.

And thanks to marketing automation, everything will happen smoothly, encouragingly and, therefore, effectively. Sign up for notification of product availability It happens that an e-commerce customer has already decided to purchase a given product, visits its website and - unfortunately - receives information about the lack of availability. In such a situation, many users look for a replacement from the competition or give up the purchase completely. But it doesn't have to be this way. In such a situation, it is worth providing the recipient with a form to sign up for notification of product availability.