In addition, techniques such as Geofencing consists of creating virtual geographic areas so that when a user enters them, a response is triggered such as sending an email or a notice on the mobile phone, for example. Local SEO – This is to make sure your business appears when users search for local keywords. Advertising geotargeting it is based on personalizing promotional content so that it reaches an audience with a specific location. All this technology and techniques are still used, but now another factor has come into play, that of Artificial Intelligence, with which they combine perfectly. Why perfectly? Well, because while this technology and techniques are used above all to collect data on the location of users,
Artificial Intelligence is capable of analyzing it to create metrics, percentages and valuable Russia WhatsApp Number data automatically. And it can even identify trends and patterns that are difficult for human teams to detect. Benefits of applying artificial intelligence to geomarketing Better decisions Since Artificial Intelligence is capable of identifying trends and patterns that the human eye would have a hard time detecting, it is a great tool for creating a more powerful marketing strategy. Increased profits making better decisions is related to a greater probability of success of a marketing campaign and, therefore, to a greater number of sales and collections. Artificial Intelligence applied to geomarketing is capable of providing a large amount of valuable data that serves to better understand consumers and segment them more accurately.

This also means that a much more personalized marketing strategy can be created for each group of customers. Improve the location of the point of sale with the help of Artificial Intelligence we will have more information to be able to decide the best place to locate our physical point of sale and, thus, attract a greater number of customers or better quality customers, that is That is, to clients who are part of our target audience. Geomarketing solutions with artificial intelligence Today there is a wide variety of geomarketing tools that apply Artificial Intelligence to offer a much more complete and perfected service capable of helping brands at a higher level.