How can you do that? By surprising and delighting your potential customers with a cute and creative product description. Let’s take a look at my last example.product description for candlesVia LoveStruckCoHere’s the product description:Smells like unicorns farting pleasantly in your face.|Notes of lemons, limes, cherries, grapefruits, berries and vanilla|*No two Unicorn Farts are the same. Each one is unique.**No unicorns were harmed in the making of this candle.
All unicorns are fed an organic diet of Belarus Mobile Number List sugar and love.(I promise I’m not five years old. .sorrynotsorry)Take in this beauty of a description. It’s short. No words are wasted. It bursts with helpful information about how to use and care for the product. It doesn’t just list details about the ingredients (“phthalates free”), but explains why the buyer should care about this (“does not pollute your home…supports American farmers.”) And at its end, it leaves you with a feeling.

candles in your home!”Thank you, LoveStruckCo., for reminding us all that we can.How to surprise and delight with your product descriptionsGrab pens and paper, a colleague, and a fun snack (not optional), and start brainstorming! Answer the following questions based on what you know about your customers:What do they expect from your product? How can you upend that expectation?If they won’t have any concrete expectations for your product, could you build expectation with the product title and then upend that expectation in the description.