So don’t waste time trying if it’s not helping you write—skip the intro and go back once the scope is clear when the rest of the content is complete.7. Read your writing aloudUnless you’re writing a podcast or video script, it’s easy to forget that even marketing copy will not just be consumed or even scanned, but read. And when people read, they sound out and even hear the words as a part of their inner speech in a process known as subvocalization.
So read your work aloud and make sure to listen. Did you trip over Egypt Phone Number List any phrases? Did you catch an accidental rhyme or a tricky string of words? Did you have a hard time following? Rewrite.copywriting tips: read your writing aloudThings just sound different when you’re reading aloud.8. Talk with a coworkerNow that you’re up and talking anyway grab a coworker. Explaining your current project to someone else is a great way to figure out how to summarize and present your ideas—and, from there, how to tackle the copy.Plus, that’s a way to turn your procrastination coffee into a guilt-free productive coffee.
Summarize your project in a single sentenceThis is a great copywriting exercise for getting yourself un-stuck or for starting a new project.Consider what you’re writing: the format, the purpose, the scope, the audience. Then, summarize in a single sentence.copywriting tips summarize in a sentence comicBe sure it’s clear, concise, and accurate—and if you’re having a really hard time with this, it’s a good indication that you need to spend more time considering the project before you get to copywriting.10. Just write a shitty first draftI had a professor in college put it this way: You never have to marry your first draft.