If a site owner blocks her AhrefsBot in the robots.txt file, it will no longer be able to crawl the site. For example, if you get a backlink from website.com and website.com blocks AhrefsBot, we won't be able to crawl that site and your backlink won't appear in Ahrefs. IP blocking, blocking the user agent from your server (different from robots.txt), server timeouts, bot protection, and many other factors can also affect your ability to crawl some websites . Crawling the web at scale is not easy. Ahrefs has multiple link indexes Each tool must make decisions about data storage and retrieval. Ahrefs splits your data into multiple indexes. Live (Active) – Displays links that are still active on the web.
This best represents the current state of the web and is the most useful for most users. Recent – Links that have been seen to be active on the web in the last 3-4 Australia Phone Number Data months. History – All links that Ahrefs has ever been able to verify. This will be the most comprehensive list, but it contains many links that no longer exist. You can toggle between these indexes in the Backlinks and Referring Domains report. Other indexes may choose to display all data ever seen. This means you may see many links, but many of those links may no longer exist. summary We wanted to give you more information about the Ahrefs link index so you can make informed decisions. Also, if you think it needs to be changed, please let us know why.
If you are currently comparing link indexes or have any questions about our data, please feel free to contact us. Author profile Patrick Stox Patrick Stox is a Product Advisor, Technical SEO, and Brand Ambassador at Ahrefs. He hosts the Raleigh SEO Meetup, Raleigh SEO Conference, Beer & SEO Meetup, Findability Conference, and is a moderator of /r/TechSEO. ・I want to appear high on Google search ・I want to increase access to my website ・I want to improve and improve my CV for inquiries. ・We were implementing SEO measures in-house, but the results were not readily apparent. Full Speed, an official introduction partner of Ahrefs.