Include a list of managers, their of the benefits each one provides. A description of what the app does and how it benefits customers. Includes plans for patent or copyright applications, if applicable. A summary of the marketing strategy and how it will be readjusted over time. Cover how you plan to attract and retain customers, the sales process
and where you will focus your marketing efforts. Information Phone Number List about costs , where that money will come from and possible profits. The costs of creating an app may be low but you will need money for things like web hosting, advertising, etc. Forecast sales for the first year, five years, and ten years, and be sure to explain how you will reach those numbers and describe where the funds will come from.

VIDEO Why you should have a progressive web app Discharge 4# Develop the app Now that you have all the information you need about your application, it is time to start developing it. To start, you have three common ways to do it. CODE THE APPLICATION OURSELVES First, we find the option to code the application ourselves. If you have the necessary technological knowledge you can code it yourself. Otherwise, it is always possible to start learning.