August is here , a very good time for restaurants for various reasons : for many, those on the coast and in tourist areas, it is the busiest month of the year and therefore the month with the highest turnover; for others it means the closing period in which their staff takes a well-deserved vacation.
If you are in the second group, we at this digital newspaper wish you a happy holiday , and if you are in the first group or you are one of those who do not close in August for different reasons, in this article we suggest some ideas for your business during these weeks.
August is a very particular month, a
WhatsApp Number Database period that usually presents a different work dynamic and in which celebrations abound , dates that constitute opportunities to take advantage of in your favor. Here are a few:
Party, what a fantastic, fantastic this party
August is the month of festivities par excellence in Spain. Throughout the country there are different celebrations that can last one day or several days and in them locals and foreigners who are visiting want to have a good time and enjoy themselves.
The common point is marked by August 15, a national holiday of religious origin - the Assumption of the Virgin - which is usually a long weekend, and before and after there are a few holidays that restaurateurs , depending on where they are located in the country, can take advantage of to attract more customers.
In Cambados, Galicia, from the 3rd to the 8th there are the Albariño festivals , days in which homage is paid to this famous Galician wine and that if you have it in your establishment you can use for a promotion , no matter where you are.
From the 13th to the 20th there will be two celebrations in two different parts of the country: the Malaga Fair and the Semana Grande in San Sebastián . If your restaurant is located in one of the two cities you will have a lot of work, but these are celebrations that can be taken advantage of throughout the country.
If you offer Andalusian or Basque cuisine in your establishment, you now have the perfect opportunity to create a special menu for the holidays , a promotion with a tapa from these regions or some extra activity if space allows, such as traditional dance or games. But even if your cuisine is not specialized, be inventive and create a promotion with a sweet wine from Malaga or a txacolí. There can be as many ideas as there are traditions in these two communities, which we know are many.