Prospect Factory Generate valuable content One of the best ways to attract both clients and new agents is to create a content marketing strategy within digital marketing for insurance promoters. That is, create a blog or build your social networks in relation to valuable information that is useful to everyone, that teaches them something they didn't know, that solves a problem. Content is always essential to building trust. Search recruiting sites Contact recruiting sites that you know and that match your field. Place your insurance promotion offers.
There and get the best agents that the internet can offer. Everyone is already looking for work online, it is the new tool par excellence so, if you are not online, how can they find you? This is vital in the new digital marketing for insurance promoters. Email marketing Digital Marketing Service strategy The digital marketing strategy for insurance promoters must include e-mail marketing for several phases: capturing the customer, retaining the customer and building customer loyalty. If you already have a customer database if you don't, it's time to ask for emails.
You can create a strategy that gives them valuable information and keeps them informed of the benefits of being with you. Likewise, you can have an internal email marketing campaign to keep your agents informed and motivated. Social networks Don't underestimate the power of social media and all the people you can capture with it. Create content that is informative but not boring, research hashtags that work for your posts and maintain interaction with your customers all the time, so they know that you are truly there for them.