For the assessment of threats, this appendix uses four levels from low, when the threat either does not exist or is unlikely, which in the eyes of NÚKIB means that it occurs no more than once every five years, and medium, when we can expect such an adverse event ranging from one year to five years, high, which the authority indicates with a regularity of one month, and critical, which is likely to occur more often than once a month.
There is also a scale for vulnerabilities with the same named levels low means that Chinese American Phone Number List security measures are in place capable of timely detecting possible vulnerabilities or attempts to exploit them, medium level assumes that no successful attempts to overcome security measures are known yet, but the ability to detect attempts are limited, at a high level security measures have already been breached successfully.

security measures are shown to be not completely effective, up to a critical level, when either there are no security measures or they fail, there is no control and attackers can basically to do with their targets what they want.Some risks are okayIf these degrees are multiplied together, the risk has been evaluated. NÚKIB basically divides risks into acceptable and unacceptable.