Maximizing CTR while live is enough by providing 20 – 25 types of products so that you can focus more on promotions and maximize sales. Also Read: 6 Ways to Create a Flood of Orders When Live Selling TikTok Divide products into several categories Ninja Xpress Blog Gpm Tiktok 4 Choose products to attract customers | Source: Pexels Dividing products into several categories could be an option for your audience.
The way to do this is to use a merchandising strategy with a variety of Iran WhatsApp Number Data product offerings when live , for example: Choose only the best selling products Offer products with the greatest profits Products that can complement other products. Vouchers & product details Ninja Xpress Blog Gpm Tiktok 5 Promotions become a ninja way to attract buyers | Source: Pexels Attract your audience or consumers' buying interest by using copywriting that convinces them to buy.
Providing vouchers can also be used to encourage purchases and also consumer loyalty programs , namely providing special rewards such as birthday gifts or special promos for members to encourage them to continue making repeat purchases of your products. Also Read: TikTok Affiliate: How to Register, Terms, Benefits, Live Engagement Ninja Xpress Blog Gpm Tiktok 6 Make the audience stay longer by being more interactive | Source: Pexels Another thing that influences TikTok's GPM is interaction with consumers through the urgency of purchasing.