Steer clear of stock images or — even worse — images that other brands are using and that are likely to fall under their copyrights. Professional You’ll need your image to be high-resolution and optimized for the specific social media platform that you are using. all of your social media profiles to ensure consistency with your brand’s visual identity and provide a sense of trust and credibility.
Let’s Talk About Yourself AKA: you’ve got to nail that C Level Contact List bio! The bio is a (very) short paragraph that usually comes straight after your social media profile name, and which allows users to understand a bit more about your brand and your products/services. Just as you did when you chose your profile name, you’ll want to craft a bio that is straightforward, easy-to-read, and captivating. Some social media platforms allow for a bit more space when putting together your bio, like LinkedIn, for example.
Others, like Twitter and Instagram, require you to stick to a very limited number of characters, which can make it a bit trickier to fit everything in without leaving out anything that you consider important. As a rule of thumb, remember the three “Is” of social media bios: Informative Include some essential information on your company, such as your website and opening hours. Imaginative Don’t write a dull, off-the-shelf description. Be bold and creative, and use metaphors and puns if they work. Inviting Entice your audience to check your brand out by capturing their interest and creating an inviting CTA.